Many commentators have said something in the last 24 hours (when I originally wrote this) about how Shohei Ohtani's 6-for-6 historic day was the best offensive performance ever. As it happens, I think the arctex fractional R stat is the best way to answer this question. Let me walk through the calculation play by play, calculating ACR, R, and ACW step by step, using the bb-erd tool.
There are some preliminaries. The current ballpark code for Miami is MAR.0. Looking in bwp-tab, the home team win rate is 440 / 913 for end of 2023 or 0.481927710843373. To set up bb-erd properly (OK, this will be a little easier in a future release), I enter:
> V MAR.0 > Z 0.481927710843373 > T erv: MAR.0 score difference: -1 Z: -0.197 > E 0 0 0.4561 > E 0 1 0.2381 > E 0 2 0.0872
Those last 3 numbers are the ERV table values for the R calculation below.
The first double:
0 out, 0-0, 0p2000, nPNO=2
In bb-erd:
> 0p2000 0.7243 > We 0 0 0 0.4819 > We 0 2 0 0.4049So we have:
ACRc += 0.7243
For R, we have
R += 0.7243 + ( 0.4561 - 0.2381 ) * (1/2) = 0.8333
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.4049 ) - log( 1 - 0.4819 ) = 0.138561184830064
The first stolen base:
1 out, 0-0, 3n6110
> 3n6110 0.4586 > We 1 3 0 0.4342 > We 1 6 0 0.3879
ACRc += 0.4586 * (1/2) = 0.9536
R += 0.4586 * (1/2) = 1.0626
ACWc += ( log( 1 - 0.3879 ) - log( 1 - 0.4342 ) ) * (1/2) = 0.177888689324842
In this case, the factor of (1/2) is because there are two baseruners.
The single:
8 out, 0-1, 3p5221, nPNO=3
> 3p5221 1.0297 > We 8 3 -1 0.3509 > We 8 5 -2 0.2591
ACRc += 1.0297 = 1.9833
R += 1.0297 + ( 0.0872 - 0 ) * (1/3) = 2.121366666666667
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.2591 ) - log( 1 - 0.3509 ) = 0.310167564708031
The second stolen base:
8 out, 0-2, 5n6220
> 5n6220 0.1247 > We 8 5 -2 0.2591 > We 8 6 -2 0.2503
ACRc += 0.1247 = 2.108
R += 0.1247 = 2.246066666666667
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.2503 ) - log( 1 - 0.2591 ) = 0.321975027794436
The double out at third - that makes him 5 for 6 in arctex:
14 out, 1-5, 5p0232, nPNO=1
> 5p0232 1.5495 > We 14 5 -4 0.1516 > We 15 0 -6 0.1114
ACRc += 1.5495 = 3.6575
R += 1.5495 + ( 0.0872 - 0 ) = 3.882766666666667
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.1114 ) - log( 1 - 0.1516 ) = 0.368269995605717
The first home run:
31 out, 3-7, 2p0112, nPNO=2
2p0112 1.5491 > We 31 2 -4 0.0995 > We 31 0 -6 0.0744
ACRc += 1.5491 = 5.2066
R += 1.5491 + ( 0.2381 - 0.0872 ) * (1/2) = 5.507316666666667
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.0744 ) - log( 1 - 0.0995 ) = 0.395762006869173
The second home run:
38 out, 3-12, 4p0222, nPNO=2
> 4p0222 1.7164 > We 38 4 -9 0.0362 > We 38 0 -11 0.0304
ACRc += 1.7164 = 6.923
R += 1.7164 + ( 0.0872 - 0 ) * (1/2) = 7.267316666666667
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.0304 ) - log( 1 - 0.0362 ) = 0.40176181797799
The third home run:
50 out, 3-14, 3p0223, nPNO=9
> 3p0223 2.6664 > We 50 3 -11 0.0122 > We 50 0 -14 0.0098
ACRc += 2.6664 = 9.5894
R += 2.6664 + ( 0.0872 - 0 ) * (1/9) = 9.943405555555556
ACWc += log( 1 - 0.0098 ) - log( 1 - 0.0122 ) = 0.404188512798789
ACRr = ACRc / 6 = 1.598233333333333
ACWr = ACWc / 6 = 0.067364752133131
ACRa = ACRr * PAPG = 6.800371231551082
ACWa = ACWr * 10 * PAPG = 2.866323163660185
R = 9.943405555555556
There will be a little variation from the eventual "official" stats due to a number of factors including rounding errors and the updating of the ballpark tables and home win rate for next year.
End 2024 update: the numbers are now out! I haven't updated the above calculations yet, but I do have the new headline numbers for R and ACWr. The correct R value is 9.9034, and the ACWr is 0.0667. I'll eventually redo them to be entirely correct, but the above calculations can't be far wrong, and may not be wrong at all once the new underlying numbers are put in.
All that said, at the end of 2023 in the retrosheet database, the highest fractional R value assigned to a player in one game was:
9.9562 for Mark Whiten (whitm001) in game CIN199309072
So Shohei has one superior, and it turns out the only one. What did Whiten of the Cardinals do in that game? First at bat, a two out grand slam. That always helps. A flyout to start an inning, then a 3-run homer with nobody out. Then a third 3-run homer with 2 out, and a 2-run homer with one out just to finish things up. ACRa 8.132 and ACWa 4.147. That's a hell of a game. Third place behind Ohtani is Phil Weintraub of the Giants in 1944 with 9.6072, and then fourth is Anthony Rendon of the Nationals in 2017 with 9.5265. If I made any errors, Ohtani could wind up on top. It's very close.
Incidentally, these are nowhere close to the record in ACW or ACR, as those are averages not totals. That goes to David Bote for a pinch-hit walkoff grand slam in 2018, which was worth 132.857722066 in ACWa, and good for an ACRa of 14.193170574020237. The maximum ACR for a game is hard to determine with the current version of the software, but that's pretty close to it. The maximum possible was 14.684456685878146 in RFK stadium, but no pinch hitters did that. There have been 5 pinch-hit occurrences of the code 7q0224, which is worth 14.329753832534507.