* indicates the most common weeds/wildflowers/seedlings 9A: leaves basically gone; black truffles and cep mushrooms available 9B: fruitcakes appear; market ice cream place closed for winter 9C: 9D4: solstice 9E: (F in leap year) 0A: fresh chickpeas (briefly); Sicily blood oranges; cardoons no longer available 0B: radicchio di Castelfranco available (red speckled); coldest expected temps -6/-15 0C: satsuma tangerines, serranos, first morels (occasionally) 0D: radicchio di Verona (pink open leaves), crosnes (briefly); no more matsutakes 0F: bergamots; Dieu du Ciel winter strong ales 1A: radicchio tardivo di Treviso, seville oranges, green daikon (briefly) 1B: baseball spring training; morels from California (briefly) 1C: spring training games; fresh garlic (briefly) 1D1: old-time leap day 1D: first green shoots (tulips); black garlic, meyer lemon; no more bergamot 1E: daylight saving time change (not in DV); very first crocus buds in the snow 2A: first crocus blooms; tulips, daffodils, tiger lilies in leaf; toothfish 2A4: equinox 2B: irises in leaf; ants; first rosé de Provence 2C: baseball opening day; catalogna (puntarelle); snow crabs; market ice cream place open 2D: peak crocuses; early grape hyacinth; first buds of forsythia flowers, honeysuckle, silver maple red buds; tardivo di treviso becomes rarer 2F: forsythia; early hyacinth; scilla; perriwinkle; early daffodils, very earliest tulips viburnum leaf buds; favas; earliest dandelion-type flowers in the shade radicchio, endive more bitter; (late) apple and *boxelder leaf buds; peony shoots (red) *blue violets (weeds) 3A: later grape hyacinth; peak hyacinth; cardoons (briefly); no more seville oranges; earthworms come out; market opens up; canadian plum red leaf buds (Drolet) 3B: crocuses done; peak daffodils; early tulips; *dandelions; forsythias yellow and green fiddleheads; sugar maple light green flower and leaf buds; elephant ear leaves red maple flower then leaf buds (late); fan for excercise 3C: scilla done (front yard); peak tulips; pear blossoms; crabapple, rose bushes in leaf paper birch in leaf (other birches, *hazel alder); linden leaf buds; apple blossoms (late) 3D: forsythia done; hyacinth done; irises; lilacs; *cow parsley; dutchman's britches viburnum blossoms; dandelions in seed (in the shade); ash, oak in leaf canadian plums pink flowers; honey locust leaf buds; cottonwood, gingko in leaf fleurs des courgettes available; forest fires; lily of the valley; dutch garlic red mulberry leaf buds; morels widely available; open windows; done with coat no more radicchio di Castelfranco 3E: daffodils, grape hyacinth, pear, apple done; canadian plum, crabapple done (late) peak lilacs, lily of the valley, linden viburnum; honeysuckle flowers; geraniums red calla lilies; catalpa in leaf; small maples drop seeds; peaches, cherries red maple leaves turning green; yellow black locust flowers; first rose buds; columbine air conditioner 4A: tulips, maple leaf viburnum, blue violets, honeysuckle done; peonies lupines; *clover; *buttercups; wood anemone; amaranth; *daisy fleabane; tiny *grapes early roses; cosmos, lavender stems emerge; trees basically all in leaf whole garlic w/ leaves; fresh almonds; no more snow crab 4B: lily of the valley, lilacs done; peak irises (early), peonies; *daisies (weeds) white morning glories; oregano; red maple leaves mostly green; cottonwood fluff; ash seeds early tiger lilies; flower buds of catalpa, hydrangeas; *moonflowers; *black medick *yellow wood sorrel; *vetch (low vines); snapdragons; first Tavel, Bandol rosé; whole shrimp 4C: irises, linden viburnum done; hawksbeard (smooth or narrow-leaf); meadow phlox; linden seeds lavender; catalpa (late); hydrangeas (late); peak roses; peruvian lilies in bud; catnip *white campion; haskap berries (camerises - briefly); garlic flower, scapes; baby turnips 4D: snapdragons, peonies, cow parsley, dutchman's britches done; peruvian lilies garden pea flowers; garden daisies; hollyhocks; red-leaf honeysuckle yellow flowers *burdock burs; *sow thistle; *purple clover; *broadleaf plantain; milkweed red mulberries in fruit (briefly); linden flowers; *sumac; cep, blewit mushrooms (briefly) parsley root; first named tropical storm north atlantic basin 4D4: solstice; sunset aligned with rue Molson 4F: catalpa, hawksbeard, wood anemones, red calla lilies, cottonwood fluff done peak daylilies; *thistle burs; honeysuckle berries; early cosmos; marigolds; bellflowers crimson bee balm; borrage; black-eyed susans; foxgloves; *cattail grass; *horseweed (late) burdock flowers; pigweed amaranth; *culver's root; wild angelica; *bittersweet nightshade *healall (brownwort tiny sedges); corn on the cob, ground cherries, local snow peas *pepperweed end leaves turn yellow/red 5A: milkweed, phlox done; peak bellflowers; plantain lilies (hostas); coneflowers garden angelica; wild strawberries; elderflowers; angel's trumpets garden squash flowers; spearmint; *yellowcress (tiny weeds); foxtail barley blue forget-me-nots (tiny weeds); *pennsylvania smartweed; *goosefoot (lambsquarters) bugbane; rhododendrons; purple kohlrabi; first major hurricane; hottest expected temps 26/16 5B: peruvian lilies, linden flowers done; peak coneflowers, black-eyed susans; thistles; *wild carrots; mullein; milkweed pods; pigweed amaranth flowers turn brown yarrow; *mugwort; prairie feathers; *tansy; toad lilies; *tiny daisies *yellow toadflax; groundsels; goat's beard; sunflower stalks emerge; local jalapeños pattypan squash; post-tropical cyclone hits montreal 5C: culver's root, catnip done; hibiscus; peak hydrangeas; pinks / sweet williams black medick burs; sage; peppermint; vetch pods (2 seeds); local tomatoes, white cucumbers no more baby turnips (temporarily); baseball all-star break 5D: borrage, columbine, daisies, toad lilies done; peak mint; sunflowers; camelias canna lilies; *canada goldenrod; local and baby eggplant, broccoli, baby turnips (again) chanterelles; romanesco; quinces (briefly); baseball trade deadline (5D6 non-leap) 5E: bugbane, rhododendrons, blue forget-me-nots, buttercups, daisy fleabane done peak hibiscus, sow thistle, sage; pink forget-me-nots; blue morning glories; dahlias *devil's beggarticks; *heartleaf aster; bird's-foot trefoil; *evening primrose wild angelica seeds; purpleleaf willowherb; garden ground cherries in fruit; giant zucchini expanded wholesale produce; very first virginia creeper leaves turn red 6A: garden squash flowers, garden angelica, goosefoot done; peak cosmos, dahlias devil's bit; canadian plum fruit; local grapes; no more white cucumbers 6B: prairie feathers, yarrow, foxgloves, burdock, healall, peppermint, lupines done peak sunflowers; *ragweed; *spotted spurge; crabapple fruit; cranberry beans no more local snow peas; no more morels; 6C: black medick, white campion done; clover, amaranth done; indian chrysanthemums; galdiolus red maple seeds; lily of the valley beries; purple daikon; honey locust start to turn yellow no more baby turnips, fleurs des courgettes; weather cools a little 6D: bellflower, bee balm, vetch, tansy, purpleleaf willowherb, moonflower, groundsel, hollyhock, devil's beggarticks, yellow wood sorrel done; *small beggarticks; russian pigweed stalk brussel sprouts; dried chili peppers; red currants; prickly pear fruit Labor day + MLB rosters expand (6D2 non-leap) 6F: tiger lilies, elderflowers, galdiolus, white morning glories done apples, pears, plums mature; boxelder leaves turn yellow; sumac leaves start to turn red sugar maple leaves start to turn red; linden leaes start to turn yellow local misc squash, leeks, giant square cabbage, midnight tomatoes (briefly) 7A: coneflowers, mullein, angel's trumpets, bittersweet nightshade, bird's-foot trefoil done hop flowers; some red maple leaves turn purplish; black locust leaves start to turn yellow silver maple elaves start to turn red; local watermelon daikon, torpea onions, catalogna no more garlic scapes 7B: goat's beard done; goldenrod in seed; grape, rose, oak, ash leaves start to turn yellow maple leaf viburnums turn yellow; forsythia leaves start to turn red pumpkins, cassis, sugarloaf radicchio, baby turnips again 7B2: equinox 7C: thistles, oregano, pinks, canna lilies, cosmos, peas, hostas, hibiscus, devil's bit done midnight tomatoes again, chestnuts, horn of plenty mushrooms (briefly), chervil root available; baseball end of season, beginning of postseason 7D: wild strawberries, black-eyed susans, russian pigweed, evening primrose done; red maple leaves start to turn red; matsutake mushrooms; done with air conditioner 7E: spearmint, lavender, blue morning glories done; peak honey locust, sumac, sugar maple colors birch leaves start to turn yellow; linden viburnum leaves start to turn red bittersweet nightshade top leaves turn purple; local tardivo, green daikon, cardoons